Freiheit|Macht|Politik promotes ideological neutrality, methodological openness, and the courage to disagree. Our authors represent pluralistic viewpoints from all areas of politics, business, academia, and civil society. They embody the diversity of modern liberal democracies.
Achim Dercks
Albrecht Ritschl
Alexandre Malafaye
Aljoscha Burchardt
Andreas Kuhlmann
Anna Vero Wendland
Anna-Maija Mertens
Benedikt Backhaus
Bodo Hombach
Bodo P. Bützler
Chris Cooper
Christian Blum
Dominik Gager
Dominik Meier
Dominique Reber
Dorothea Winter
Eberhard Sandschneider
Emilia Mallea Flores
Ernesto Buholzer Sepúlveda
Eva Maria Welskop-Deffaa
Frank Sieren
Gary Geipel
Gerhard Halder
Haiying Yuan
Henrik Wagner
Ingo Schütz
Jens Kipper
Joel Christoph
Jonathan M. Baron
Josef Braml
Joséphine Staron
Joshua Lehmann
Julia Reuschenbach
Jürgen Zimmerer
Justus Seuferle
Karl-Rudolf Korte
Kimberly Klebolte
Konstantin Bätz
Korbinian Frenzel
Kristina Spohr
Lena Siepker
Olaf Hoffjann
Peter JG van Keulen
Philipp Gebhardt
Rasmus Wittekind
Reinhard Messerschmidt
Sanjana Govindarajan
Stefan Kapferer
Stefan Ullrich
Suryaprabha Sadasivan
Tanja Schweinberger
Thaima Samman
Thies Niemeier
Tobias Nickel
Todd L. Belt
Vanessa Victoria Tiede
Wolfgang Dierker